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Time is Ticking: Information about the 2024 Masonry Repair Season


Updated: Oct 6, 2024

As crazy as it sounds, it's already October of 2024! Yet, many of us may feel as though we haven't made it all the way through our "To Do" list for the year. Here is everything you need to know about getting your outdoor masonry repairs, before the year ends.

Can I Receive Masonry Repair Services in the Winter?

Well, it depends. Anyone who lives in Northeast Ohio knows that "Ohio Weather" is unpredictable, which can have a direct on whether or not outdoor masonry repairs are feasible. As a rule of thumb, mild winters are a mason's best friend.

Looking Back at the 2023 Winter Season

If this winter is anything like last year's, with relatively warmer conditions and very little snowfall, the team at New Life Masonry may work all the way through December. It all depends on Mother Nature.

How Does Cold Weather Affect Outdoor Projects?

If you took mortar out of the equation, then outdoor temperatures would hardly matter. However, being that most outdoor projects involve the replacement of pre-existing mortar or the installation of entirely new brick, block or stone using mortar, this is not the case.

Ambient temperatures can affect the performance of masonry services in two primary ways: during the mixing process and during the hardening process.

Issue #1: Difficulty Mixing Cement

When mixing mortar, water is a critical element that must be in the liquid form. If daytime temperatures drop below 32 degrees Fahrenheit, a number of issues may arise such as water freezing within outdoor water sources (i.e. hoses), water freezing against/within the mortar mixer, as well as increased risk of injury while working within a slippery outdoor environment.

Issue #2: More Time, Less Productivity

As the primary binding agent in all outdoor masonry projects, modern mortar is truly incredible. Under the right conditions, not only does it harden to the point that it can withstand thousands of pounds of pressure per square inch, but it can support structures that last for decades to come.

When Time is Money, Temperatures Are Key

Whether it's involving a full-scale restoration project or a small-scale tuckpointing job, lower temperatures can slow the rate at which mortar hardens. When laying brick, block or stone, this hardening process is vital as it enables the masonry contractor at hand to work, virtually, continuously without any risk of the work collapsing under its own weight. Additionally, it allows the mason to "finish" their mortar joints without having to wait for extended periods of time.

All of these factors combined can have a direct impact on the price of a project, which is why it is often best to seek out masonry repair services either before or after the peak of winter.

What If Temperatures Drop During My Project?

While the team at New Life Masonry is always looking ahead at weather conditions before beginning a project, there are a few ways that we've handled less-than-ideal weather conditions in the past for high-priority projects across the Mahoning Valley.

Specialized Cement Additives

Over the decades, we've come to favor a select group of products that are designed to mitigate the effects of cold weather on mortar. If our team projects near-freezing temperatures and relatively low humidity, we will utilize these products within our mixture with minimal impact on the price of the project.

Custom-Built Work Tents

Historically, New Life Masonry has excelled with handling high-risk, time-sensitive masonry projects such as those caused by tree and vehicle damage. During these cases, our team will establish an enclosed work environment that includes both weather-proof and temperature-controlled elements.

If, at any time during the winter, you encounter any masonry-related issues that must be repaired within a timely manner, feel free to contact us at (330) 360-9795 or by filling out the form on our homepage located here.

Did We Forget to Mention?

Fall weather in Northeast Ohio provides highly-favorable conditions for outdoor masonry projects as balanced temperatures allow mortar to "cure" fast enough so as not to inhibit productivity, yet slow enough to achieve incredible strength.

Let's Get Started

This year, "Winter" begins on December 21, 2024. As of October 2024, New Life Masonry continues to serve local homeowners and small-business owners across the Mahoning Valley with ongoing projects taking place in Canfield, Hubbard, and more.

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